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Work-Integrated Learning

Humber programs offer unique work-integrated learning opportunities to prepare students for their future careers. Students apply what they’ve learned in class and in real world environments through a wide range of academic, community and industry partnerships. These work-integrated and experiential learning opportunities may include field experience and applied research projects, or service learning. Check program pages to learn more about the specific opportunities within each program.

The Learning Process

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) provides a valuable bridge between a student’s academic program and the real world. This highly participatory process is beneficial for students, as it provides an opportunity to participate in field experiences, enhances the learning process and better prepares students for the demands of the workplace. Employers benefit from the availability of skilled and well-trained students and graduates to help solve problems and bring new ideas and innovative thinking to the community and field.

Benefits of Field Experience

Opportunities to integrate work within studies is designed to better prepare students for the demands of the workplace and enhance employability after graduation. Field experiences provide opportunities to build skills required for career success in fields of study, learn about the world of work and the career options available, and meet people in the profession. Learn about opportunities for work-integrated learning in your program of study.

WIL Handbook

For detailed information about your Work Integrated Learning processes see FSCS Work-Integrated Learning Handbook.

Pre-WIL Progression Path

The preparation for your Field Experience starts one term prior to your Work-Integrated term. To see what needs to be done before you start your Field Experience, please review Progression Path infographic. In the document, Month One refers to the first month of your pre-WIL term, Month Two refers to your seconed pre-WIL term, etc. For example, if your WIL term is scheduled for Winter term, Month One will be the first month of the Fall term, i.e. September.

Field Experience Office

Field Experience Office, Room E108
Faculty of Social & Community Services

Manager, Work-Integrated Learning
Meaghan Catalano-Perez

Field Experience Advisors

Field Experience Advisors cultivate community partnerships and support students in their preparation for Work-Integrated Learning from orientation, to the first day in the field. Field Experience Advisors provide students personalized attention and tools needed to be successful in securing a field experience.

Search the chart below by Program Name to email your Field Experience Advisor.