Information for FSCS Current and Prospective Community and Industry Partners
Humber programs offer unique work-integrated learning opportunities to prepare students for their future careers. Students apply what they’ve learned in class and in real world environments through a wide range of academic, community and industry partnerships. These work-integrated and experiential learning opportunities may include field experience, practicums, clinical experience, co-operative education work terms, internships, applied research projects, or service learning.
Work-Integrated Learning
Work-integrated learning is an integral part of a Humber education. Join our network of over 800 community partners in the Faculty of Social and Community Services that provide a wide range of opportunities for students to experience what their diploma or degree can do, before they graduate. Learn more about how we are partnering with industry here.
Want to learn more about a specific program or opportunity, please contact:
Meaghan Catalano-Perez
Manager, Work-Integrated Learning
Job Postings
Login to The Faculty of Social and Community Services Job Portal to post full-time, part-time, summer and volunteer positions on this site. Manage and edit your own postings. Maintain an archive of previous postings. Track number of visits and applications. Get updates on News and Events.
On Campus Recruiting
Come on campus for program specific career fairs and networking events throughout the year. We are always searching for new ways to link the students with employers. If you would like to get involved, contact
Becoming a PAC Member
Becoming part of our industry network creates immense value for all stakeholders. As employers, you will gain access to highly trained Humber students, allowing you to onboard future focused hires into your organizations. There are many other ways in which you can also partner with Humber Polytechnic to guide the learning, training and careers of our students. You can also get involved by becoming a Program Advisory Committee member.
Networking & Community Events
We host many events to provide students with the opportunity to explore areas of interest; learn and discuss current issues, education and career pathways; and connect with current students, future employers, and Humber alumni:
What to Expect
A Humber Faculty of Social and Community Services student can fill any entry-level role in an organization and work across a broad range of fields. Our programs teach a unique balance of practical, workplace-ready skills and advanced theoretical knowledge. The benefit to employers means shorter learning curves and greater results.
Student Expectations
Our students expect a meaningful challenge in their field experience position and to work on projects that directly relate to their field of study. They want the opportunity to prove themselves and to gain skills in a practical, real-world employment situation. Field experiences should offer the chance to hone a student’s interpersonal, communication, problem-solving and analytical skills, all the while providing support and feedback.
Duration of Field Experience
Our programs are designed to follow the academic calendar; students enter the field in September, January and May and can be one semester to two semesters in length depending on the program. Degree students have the option of completing field experiences on a part-time or full-time basis while diploma student have specific days of the week set aside to attend field experience. Our Field Experience Advisors will advise students on the best timelines to complete field experience.
What is required from the employer?
Unpaid and Paid Field Experience
Work-integrated learning positions facilitated through the Faculty of Social and Community Services are unpaid, however, students can work with their Field Experience Advisors to assess whether exiting paid employment can be used as their field experience. Students who are paid employees working with an organization and/or in a role that meets the learning outcomes required by the course and program can request to have their employment considered as a formal field experience by the Field Experience Advisor.
Post your Opportunity
The Field Experience Advisor will work with you to create a job posting outlining what students can expect to be doing in field experience with your organization and what qualifications and skills you are looking for. Students will review your job posting among others, and select their top choices.
Resume Review
Field Experience Advisors help the search for both you and students by pre-screening and matching students to their top field experience choices before we connect them to you. You will have the opportunity to read through select resumes of applicants and choose whether to invite students to interview with you. You can also ask that we drive all interested students to connect with you without pre-screening, or ask the Field Experience Advisor to assign students to you if you do not want to review resumes. Let us know your preference and we can help.
Interview Process
If you would like to host several students from a program or across various programs in the Faculty of Social and Community Services, we have access to classes and meeting rooms that can fit your needs to interview students at the Humber Lakeshore campus; we are happy to coordinate this for you. However, most employers use their own facilities and coordinate meeting students for interviews on their own.
Workplace Safety and Insurance
As with all non-paid student field experiences, we require our students and employers to complete the Ministry of Training, Colleges and University declaration of understanding. Our Field Experience Advisors help facilitate this process, which is meant to protect everyone by verifying workplace safety and insurance information.
If The Fit Isn't Quite Right
Our field experience students are treated like any other employee in an organization. If the fit isn't right, please feel free to contact the Seminar Instructor/Faculty Advisor and we work together to determine the best course of action. We are confident that we will find you the right student for the job, but if there is a problem, we will help you deal with it on a case-by-case basis.
Field Experience Advisors cultivate community partnerships and support students in their preparation for Work-Integrated Learning from orientation, to the first day in the field. Field Experience Advisors provide students personalized attention and tools needed to be successful in securing a field experience.
Search the chart below by Program Name to email the Field Experience Advisor.