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Alumni Stories - Spotlight on Addictions & Mental Health

Andrew Gris

Tags: June 2022, Vol. 2, Issue 4

The Addictions and Mental Health (ADMH) program at Humber was a good fit for me as someone who was trying to make a career change. I had spent about twelve years as a teacher and wanted to transition into work that was more in line with my undergraduate degree in psychology. I was attracted by the hands-on nature of the courses and the opportunity to do a field placement – and the program did not disappoint! I loved how interactive the classes were and made several valuable connections with both my classmates and professors.

I’m currently working as a Hoarding Support Coach with VHA Home Healthcare, which has given me a chance to put into practice a number of skills I developed at Humber. I use a variety of basic counselling skills, in addition to some Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques, in the conversations I have during in-home sessions with people who are at risk of eviction because of their hoarding issues. I don’t think I would be as confident as I am in my current role without all of what I learned in the ADMH program.

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