Tags: Vol. 1, Issue 2, December 2020
Police Foundations program (PFP) alumni Wadood Alam joined the program at Humber in Fall of 2013, and successfully completed the program in April 2015.
What Wadood says of his experience:
PFP allowed me to better understand the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedom, the Criminal Code, and other laws one must abide to. What I truly loved about the program was the opportunity to get hands-on experience and think outside the box. I developed strong communication and leadership skills through making community connections. After successfully completing the program, I joined the BSS-Criminal Justice Degree at Humber and graduated with Honours in April 2019. Since becoming a Humber Alumni, I have been working as a Case Processing Agent (CPA) at the Immigration & Refugee Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
A very well-deserved congratulations to Wadood and we wish him all the very best in his new career!
Humber Orangeville PFP Alumni PC Cory Courtney recently received a Community Excellence Award from Shelburne Town Council, for his role in saving the life of a Shelburne resident.
Cory is a PFP Orangeville graduate from 2010 and has been an Officer with Shelburne Police since 2011.