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Collaborative Research Project Explores Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Youth in North Etobicoke

Tags: Vol. 4, June 2024, Issue 2

From October to December 2023, FSCS Professor Shannon Brown, and CIHW researcher Adriana Salvia, co-led a research study to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth in North Etobicoke. The project was facilitated through the Centre for Innovation in Health & Wellness (CIHW) at Humber College, with the support of many community organizations from North Etobicoke. The project provided Research Assistant (RA) opportunities for students and alumni from across Humber College.

The project sought to examine the role of community partner agencies in addressing youth wellness and mental health. Based on the experiences of youth pre-, during, and post-COVID-19 lockdown, it also looked to identify gaps which exist in mental health wellness programming/ services offered at the community level in the North Etobicoke community of Rexdale. Study participants were recruited with the help of community partner agencies, including Albion Neighbourhood Services, Arts Etobicoke, Braeburn Neighbourhood Place, Delta Family Resource Centre, Rexdale Community Health Centre, Rexdale Women’s Centre, Somali Women and Children’s Support Network, and Youth Without Shelter.

The research study used a mixed-methods research design, including quantitative surveys and qualitative semi-structured focus groups. All research team members participated in a trauma-informed workshop facilitated by Prof. Brown. The project received ethical approval from Humber College’s Research Ethics Board (REB) before data collection began. The project findings and recommendations will be shared in a report which will be released later this year.

Wall mural of a rainbow with phrases

North Etobicoke community agency mural capturing inspiring slogans, symbols of friendship, international greetings, and arts appreciation.

Mural on wall that reads "your community, our community"

North Etobicoke community agency mural capturing the city of Toronto as viewed from the intersection of Finch Avenue West and Kipling Avenue.

Painted wall mural of trees and flowers

North Etobicoke community agency mural capturing idyllic green space for community members.

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