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COILs this Winter

Tags: Vol. 4, June 2024, Issue 2

This winter semester, the FSCS ran another two Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) projects, including a new pilot project with Nottingham Trent University (NTU) in the UK.

COIL is a type of virtual exchange in which students from Humber and another academic institution abroad meet at touchpoints to learn and work together, building their skills in digital fluency, intercultural communications and collaboration.

The pilot COIL with NTU, New Approaches to Crime and Community Wellness: Balancing the Micro and the Macro, brought students together from our Bachelor of Social Science in Criminal Justice, with students from NTU’s Psychology and Criminology programs for four touchpoints, where they heard from professionals in the sector from both Canada and the UK on topics such as psychology and identity formation, community policing, restorative and indigenous justice (IWKNB). Students then collaborated in groups to present a deliverable on the differences and similarities on policies, practices and terminology on crime and punishment in the UK and Canada.

We also hosted a COIL with our partners from Denmark, UCL University College, with whom we collaborate every semester. The three-week COIL brought together students from our Bachelor of Addictions and Mental Health program with students from UCL’s Social Work, Social Education and Teacher Education programs, to work on developing a Case Study analysis with interventions from both Canada and Denmark.

Students participating in COILs get the experience on their Co-Curricular Record (CCR) and a joint certificate of participation from both institutions.

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