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Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

Tags: November 2022, Vol. 3, Issue 1

This Fall, two COILs are running, in partnership with two of our academic partners in Denmark – UCL University College, and UC Absalon. Our Community Development program ran a three-week COIL on Cooperative Online International Learning Project: Case Study Development and Analysis, in which students were matched with peers in Social Education, Social Work, and Teacher Education programs at UCL, and together developed a case study and presented interprofessional approaches and interventions that could be adopted, in each country.

Students in Roma Metha’s third year Behavioural Science course Aging and Dementia, had the opportunity to participate in the COIL “Dementia: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives” as an optional assignment, which ran five weeks through October and November. Students worked with peers from Nursing and Occupational Therapy programs at UC Absalon, to develop and deliver a presentation on the topic of dementia. Topics included Removing Stigma Around Dementia, Caregiver Support Resources, and The Benefits of Interdisciplinary Early Intervention.

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