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Spotlight on FSCS COIL Projects

Saxion, UTech and Parul

Tags: Vol. 1, Issue 3, March 2021

Humber – University of Technology (Jamaica)

Programs: Developmental Services Worker (Humber) and Child & Adolescent – Disability Minor (UTech)

Project Team: Andrea Rutherford, Loris Bennet, Stephanie Byer, Ayesha Amin (Humber)

Therrain Davis, Claudette Wilmot, Carol Hutchinson (UTech)

Project Deliverables: This project is brings together students in classes at both Humber and UTech through a series of guest lectures embedded within the classroom curriculum, to learn about, share, explore and discuss the topic of supporting people with disabilities. Students at both institutions are involved in a similar end of term class discussions and Reflexive Photography assignments. Students will examine perspectives of disability, social privilege, inclusion and access to services across Canada and Jamaica.

Humber – Parul University (India)

Programs: Child and Youth Care Diploma (Humber) and Master of Social Work (Parul)

Project Team: Stephanie Byer, Ayesha Amin, Kelly Cassano (Humber)

Dr. Sunita Jolly, Nita Vaghela (Parul)

Project Deliverables: Developed as a WIL experience, Humber students participating in this project research best practices for youth in care within Canada, to identify service and policy gaps. Students meet with students in India, who are conducting similar research in the field with child and youth care organizations in India, to share learnings with one another, hear different perspectives, and to compare and contrast approaches to child welfare in both countries.

Humber – Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)

Programs: Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Humber) and Brain and Technology (Saxion)

Project Team: Stephanie Byer, Ayesha Amin, Lauri Angus (Humber)

Robert Estevez, Jan Willem de Graaf (Saxion)

Project Deliverables: Developed as a WIL experience, this project gives Humber students an opportunity to develop an evaluation for employers regarding hiring procedures for neurodiverse communities (people with autism diagnoses ‘ASD’). Participating in regular check-ins with Saxion research students, who are involved in different forms of research with neurodiversity, students have the opportunity to share about their work, hear different perspectives and approaches regarding supporting people with ASD in the workplace.

The Faculty of Social and Community Services has continued to develop transformative global opportunities for students across a breadth of programming, while deepening global academic partnerships. By working virtually across borders, students can develop and apply any number of the essential 21st century skills articulated in the Humber Learning Outcomes (HLO) framework and gain a deeper understanding of their discipline through multiple perspectives. In turn, faculty and staff COIL leaders expand their professional network and portfolio, acquire fresh inspiration from different worldviews, and have the opportunity to engage in research on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) with funding through Humber’s Teaching Innovation Fund.

Read more about COIL here, and learn about some of the resources that will be available to help in developing these initiatives.

Are you a faculty member in the FSCS interested in exploring a COIL initiative? Please contact Stephanie Byer, Manager of International and Strategic Initiatives to discuss.

Faculty Voices – Testimonials from FSCS COIL Projects

Claudette Wilmot

Claudette Wilmot, Humber – UTech COIL
Part-time Lecturer at the College of Health Sciences, School of Allied Health and Wellness, University of Technology, Jamaica

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"As we embark on this project, I am mindful of the dreams of many parents and persons with disabilities in Jamaica, that Disability Studies would be offered at the University level. I am honoured and very excited to be involved in this collaboration. The Critical Issues in Disability Studies course at UTech, seeks to develop in students, a critical awareness of the factors operating in the world of disability.
This cross-cultural exchange will enable us to become aware of the different models that influence our approaches, ways in which different issues overlap, and the common challenges faced by people with disabilities. We will strategize feasible solutions that can help support persons with disabilities to live their best lives."

Sunita Jolly

Dr. Sunita Jolly, Humber – Parul COIL
Principal of the Institute of Social Work, and Dean of Faculty of Social Work, Parul University, India

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"The COIL between the Child and Youth Care, at Humber College, with the Faculty of Social Work at Parul University, will be the stepping stone for a long-term professional and personal relationship.
This will surely help everyone participating in the project to understand existing service gaps in the context of Child and Youth care, and enhance learning in intercultural communication, cultural identity, humility and global fluency. There are multiple benefits to students, including learning, receiving an academic credit, certificates and access to expert sessions."

Jan Willem de Graff

Jan Willem de Graaf, Humber – Saxion COIL
Faculty, Saxion University, Netherlands

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"The collaboration between Humber College and Saxion University centres around the topic of neurodiversity (autism). People are becoming more global, but this digital world often caters to the neurotypical ‘standard’ citizens of the world. But diversity is at stake! The running ‘in the loop’ that our globalized technological world generates, isn’t as easy for all people to adapt to. People who don’t fit in this ‘standard’ picture, are now often called neurodiverse. This partnership aims to stand up for neurodiversity and the amazing talents that neurodiverse people exhibit, to let them develop their uniqueness from an early age."

Student Voices – Testimonials from FSCS COIL Projects

Kelene Thomas-Barrant

Kelene Thomas-Barrant, Humber – UTech COIL
3rd year student, Bachelor of Science in Child and Adolescent Development, University of Technology

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"Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity" – Unknown

I am thrilled to be a participant in this COIL between Humber College and UTech. The reason I decided to take part in this initiative is because I believe there is endless information to be shared, and so much we can learn from both local and international students and lecturers, with whom we will get to interact with for the duration of the project.

The introductory lecture, Social Justice by Ms. Loris Bennett already surpassed my expectations. I am especially looking forward to the cultural exchange aspect of the collaboration, sharing my experiences and implementing some of the strategies that we’ll learn, to further develop my career goals and to advocate for persons with disabilities.

Savannah Dale

Savannah Dale, Humber – UTech COIL
1st year student, Developmental Services Worker program, Humber College

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"I am so intrigued by the COIL opportunity taking place this semester between Humber and UTech. I am looking forward to the virtual lectures from instructors at both institutions, as I feel that there is a wealth of knowledge to be shared. Through this experience, I hope to learn about global perspectives on disability, that will surely have a direct and positive impact on my path to becoming a support worker."

Jay Purohit

Jay Purohit, Humber – Parul COIL
1st year student, Master of Social Work, Parul University

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"I have joined this project to understand the perspective of different people across the globe. I’m looking forward to exchanging ideas and learning new methods from people across the world through this global project.

I look forward to the mentorship from the lecturers at both Parul and Humber, and hope to sharpen my critical and analytical thinking skills through participating”

Azeezat Oluwakemi Sule

Azeezat Oluwakemi Sule, Humber – Parul COIL
1st year student, Child and Youth Care Accelerated Advanced Diploma program, Humber College

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"As soon as I saw the invitation for this project as ‘an opportunity for international collaboration’, I decided to join. As a future Child and Youth Care professional, I am looking forward to working in the sector and learning from perspectives and synergies in Canada and other countries which I can integrate into my future practice.

Simply participating in the program will be a steppingstone for me, allowing me to focus on organization and time management skills to be able to attend the joint sessions with Parul University. I expect that this experience will help me to develop intercultural awareness and communication skills that will translate to being able to more effectively support youth and families. I am grateful for the opportunity."

Jari Veling

Jari Veling, Humber – Saxion COIL
4th year student, Applied Psychology, Saxion University

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"I’ve learned from my own experience that living in a neurotypical world, can be harsh for neurodivergent people (with ASD or ADHD diagnoses) even with a high IQ.

When my 10-year-old neighbour, with an IQ-score of 135+, was forced into a school for special education, I asked myself 'Why?'. What is the reason that a child as smart as him – who tells me stories regularly about the universe, computers, history and other difficult subjects – would be put into a class with kids who have learning difficulties?

When the opportunity to join the COIL project with Saxion and Humber arose, I jumped right in. This program offers a chance for me to learn more about people’s diverse capabilities, to give me insight and explore what neurodivergent people need to gain access to their full potential. I’m looking forward to working with, and getting to know, students from another country."

Melody Menezes

Melody Menezes, Humber – Saxion COIL
3rd year student, Bachelor of Behavioural Science, Humber College

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"With most organizations near me being closed due to COVID-19, I wanted to find an alternative option to be able to gain some insight and practical experience. When I heard about this Global Project, I fell in love with what it offers.

I am really hoping to learn a lot – not only is this a rewarding project personally but will benefit us when we start to look for jobs in our field. The instructors of this project are also very smart, funny, and enthusiastic about what they’re doing, and it is admiring to witness them when they talk about their work. I hope to gain some experience in the field that I can use as a guideline or reference when I am out working in the field."

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