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Ayelet Segal headshot

Ayelet Segal


Protection, Security and Investigation



Graduation Year


Ayelet's Experience at Humber

Please tell us about your time at Humber College. What was the best part of it?

Enrolling in the Protection, Security, and Investigation program turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made for my career. Although the pandemic posed significant challenges and forced most of the program to be conducted online, it was still an illuminating, stimulating, and life enhancing experience.

I looked forward to every class and was eager to learn from the exceptional professors who are top-notch in their field, from police officers, detectives, crime and intelligence analysts, cybersecurity experts, and seasoned private investigators who shared their expertise and insights with passion and clarity. The guidance and support they provided were instrumental in my learning journey.

What impressed me the most was the comprehensive curriculum that covered a wide range of topics. The program was designed to provide students with hands-on experience and real-world scenarios to prepare them for the workforce, and despite being conducted online, the classes were engaging, exciting, and interactive, fostering an environment conducive to learning. The professors used various tools and techniques to ensure students remained engaged and participated actively in class.

By the end of the program, I had gained the skills and confidence required to succeed in my career.

The PSI program at Humber College proved to be a worthwhile investment, and what felt deeply meaningful was how the professors genuinely invested in students' future success.

Please tell us about your experience since graduating.

Upon graduating, I immediately landed a job as a Private Investigator, which served as a pivotal moment in shaping my career trajectory. From this first position as a Private Investigator, I swiftly transitioned to a role as an LPI in a prestigious retail store. This role provided me with invaluable training in surveillance, internal and external investigation, audit, ORC, and a deeper understanding of the security and investigation world, igniting my passion for my future career path, which propelled me into accepting a supervisor role within my first year, fulfilling a management-level career path—a testament to the program's real-world effectiveness. I wholeheartedly recommend the program for its ability to instill confidence and equip students with the necessary skills to excel in their careers. I am immensely grateful for the exceptional learning experience it provided.

What do you find most satisfying about your career choice?

At this point in my career, I find it most satisfying how I have used my investigation skills to uncover internal frauds and have been supported in developing my interest in crime analysis and investigation. Working as a team supervisor and supporting colleagues in developing their careers is also incredibly rewarding. Most of all, however, is how diverse my career options are; the number of positions, depth, and breadth of skills and work I can engage in is incredible. Indeed, the degree in PSI is exceptional regarding how many doors it opens.