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Coleen McDonald headshot

Coleen McDonald


Child and Youth Care - Accelerated



Graduation Year


Coleen's Experience at Humber

Please tell us about your time at Humber College. What was the best part of it?

As an international student I had mixed feelings as I embarked on my educational journey at Humber College. I was not only at an unfamiliar institution, I was also in an unfamiliar country. During the first few days on campus, I got to meet people who soon became friends. My time at Humber College was a rewarding, enriching and worthwhile experience. I acquired a variety of skills from the various classes that I was enrolled in. I interacted with students from different cultural backgrounds; this made learning more interesting and interactive.

I had classes with some of the best lecturers with whom there was no judgement at all- to them every question was important and was treated as such. Their teaching method and styles made learning fun. Their frequent feedback and advice propelled my learning. The best part of my Humber experience was my field experience. These experiences gave me the opportunity to garner hands on skills to enhance my CYC career. They also helped me to be better prepared and more equipped for the work world. Being at Humber felt like home away from home.

Please tell us about your experience since graduating.

My program ended in December 2019. Unfortunately, in early 2020, COVID-19 hit the world which resulted in very little job opportunities. Since graduating, I have never worked as a CYC worker, but I have always been able to positively impact a child or youth. I have worked at a homeless shelter as a community shelter worker. I was also employed by PLASP as a lunch and after school supervisor and at Peel District School Board as a supply teacher. All these positions have given me the chance to use the skills and knowledge gained from my CYC program.

What do you find most satisfying about your career choice?

What I find most satisfying about my career choice is the opportunity that I get to help mold young lives and to help make a difference with the young people that I interact with daily. There is also a feeling of empowerment as I offer guidance and am responsible for young people. As a parent, my parenting style has changed based on information learnt which resulted in an improved parent-child relationship. Being able to understand and relate to young people of different backgrounds and with different interests is a passion that I cherish.