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Jodi Kenny headshot

Jodi Kenny


Social Service Worker



Graduation Year


Jodi's Experience at Humber

Please tell us about your time at Humber College. What was the best part of it?

The best part about being at Humber for me was meeting so many wonderful people. My time at Humber was during the pandemic, resulting in only a very short time in person. I did not let this stop me, and I went on to make meaningful connections with my peers and the faculty. As a student, I was also engaged in the Humber community, both as a volunteer and an employee. I worked as a peer tutor for three out of four of my semesters and worked as a writing center tutor in my second year. I was a member of the Mature Student Success Club in my first year and moved on to become the president for my second year. I also volunteered with First Year Experience as an orientation leader for three out of four of the semesters I attended. I did not let being an online student stand in the way of engaging with community. I continue to connect with the Humber community in several different ways as an alumnus, and I am fortunate to have these opportunities.

Please tell us about your experience since graduating.

Since graduating from Humber college, I have completed my Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work at Laurentian University. I have also worked at several jobs within my field at agencies such as Native Child and Family Services of Toronto, The John Howard Society of Toronto and the Salvation Army. I am currently employed by Women’s Habitat of Etobicoke as a Relief Trauma Counsellor, and The Peel District School Board as an Education Assistant. This fall (September 2024) I will begin my Master of Social Work at Toronto Metropolitan University. My passion is working with youth, as I believe that there are many gaps within our system for this population. I am hoping to one day become a family therapist that works with neurodivergent youth and their families. I am excited to see what opportunities await for me!

What do you find most satisfying about your career choice?

I began my Social Service journey as a mature student, as I wanted to follow my passion for helping others and make a positive impact on the world. Although I continue to strive to make a positive impact on the world, I realize that my purpose is to help facilitate others in reaching their own goals as I walk beside them on their journey. I have learned so much about what it truly means to work within the helping profession, and the most satisfying part about the work that I do is watching the people I work with thrive, grow and meet their goals. I have also learned what it means to truly be an ally; an accomplice really, and how connected activism is to the roles that we play within the social services field. It is from this understanding that I can advocate for those who experience the impacts of an oppressive and colonial system that is upheld by our government and society and is fueled by white supremacy. Learning and unlearning about my own white supremacy and the impacts it has on others is also an ongoing learning experience that I do not take for granted.