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Rochelle Findley-Wynter headshot

Rochelle Findley-Wynter


Protection, Security and Investigation



Graduation Year


Rochelle's Experience at Humber

Please tell us about your time at Humber College. What was the best part of it?

At the time of my enrollment in the PSI program, I was a former Police Officer of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) in Jamaica. I thought that with my seven years experience as a Police Officer the PSI program would have been a walk in the park, but that was not the case. College comes with a lot of responsibilities not the glitter and the glamour espouse by some of these institutions through the media. I have had to readjust and unlearn a number of things I understood to be a particular way to facilitate my College experience. Some of which was a challenge but nevertheless taught me valuable life experiences. For example, the Issues of Diversity and Inclusion. Coming from a society of predominantly one ethnic group the cultures and beliefs held by other people of different ethnicity was a new experience that is extremely valuable to me to this very day.

The College also offered alternative programs that boosted me in areas that I struggled with and gave overall support that helped in my personal, emotional and mental needs. This to me was commendable, having entered into what I would call a culture shock was just the support I needed at the time. With all the support as mentioned, I made it through the program and managed to maintain decent grades in all subject areas. I have graduated with a decent grade point average which earned me Honors status.

Please tell us about your experience since graduating.

Since graduation, I landed a job as a Damage Claim Investigator for Rogers Communications Ltd., and since 2020 I have been employed as a Transit Special Constable at the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC). I am able to execute my daily duties and effectively carryout my responsibilities in a more distinguishing way, thanks to my college experience. This exposure has benefited me tremendously. It has helped me personally to navigate my everyday experiences with my colleagues and my organization as a whole. I would emphasize that the opportunity of higher learning is not one without great challenges but is a worthwhile one that should be experienced by many.

What do you find most satisfying about your career choice?

One of the most satisfying things about my career choice is serving the people in my community. It is quite thrilling to know, that the responsibilities I carryout each day, is that at any given time someone may need my assistance to make their day better, and this to me is very comforting. Being able to offer excellent customer service is at the heart of what I do each day and sometimes all it takes is a smile to give assurance to the public. Some people are of the notion, that once you are a member of the Law Enforcement faculty, your deportment should reflect a robust criteria; this is far from the truth. I applaud myself for being welcoming and approachable which I believe is one of the best remedy to assist a person in need.

Safety is everybody's business and safety begins with me. I serve, I protect and I respect everyone I come in contact with, knowing that life’s story is filled with many uncertainties, but I can offer hope for a better tomorrow by offering my service to those in need.