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Tajae Olaboode headshot

Tajae Olaboode


Protection, Security and Investigation



Graduation Year


Tajae's Experience at Humber

Please tell us about your time at Humber College. What was the best part of it?

My time at Humber College exceeded my expectations. Growing up, school was challenging for me, and I struggled quite a bit. This led me to feel self-conscious and anxiety ridden about any form of post-secondary. After graduating high school, I was unsure of what I wanted to do with both my life and future career. Approximately 1.5 years after graduating Highschool, I joined the Canadian Armed Forces as an Infantry Soldier and spent 6yrs training and working in various roles and environments. Through my time in the military, I became increasingly interested in Policing and decided in 2020 that I wanted to start pursuing a career in Policing. I enrolled in the Protection Security and Investigation (PSI) program at Humber College and started my first year in 2021 as a mature student. To my surprise, post-secondary was not extremely difficult and unbearable like I thought it would be and I found myself thoroughly enjoying the classes and content. The best part of Humber was learning skills and material that is relevant to my current job, as well as meeting all the friends I made along the way and creating memories with them.

Please tell us about your experience since graduating.

My experience since graduating has been exactly how I imagined it would be. I worked extremely hard in school and accomplished something I thought I would never go back to finishing. I took that same energy I used to successfully finish school and applied to a few different Police services. I was eventually hired by Peel Regional Police and have been working at the job I dreamt about for years. Throughout my time training with Peel, I attended the Ontario Police College (OPC) where I learned the basic skills to become an effective Police Constable. My skills and abilities were further refined when I finished OPC and did 8 more weeks of extensive training with Peel. I am now on the road and love every minute of it. I have learned so much, made so many new friends, and wake up every day feeling fortunate that I created this reality for myself. Working hard, setting goals, and taking on any challenge that came my way, has led me to where I am today

What do you find most satisfying about your career choice?

There are a few things I find satisfying about my new career as a Police Constable. First and foremost, is the training. I love training and learning new tactics and techniques. Whether it is Officer Safety, helping people in crisis, or learning how to become a better investigator. Training to me is just as fun as it is important. I also find being out on the road to be extremely satisfying. I am always moving around, staying fit, talking to new people, exploring new places, and attending calls. This keeps me busy and helps me to learn as much as I can during my shifts. Lastly, I love wearing the uniform, driving the cruiser, enforcing the law, and preserving public safety. It is amazing to see how my investigations and my presence/interactions with people can help brighten their days and make a positive difference in their lives or help them feel a sense of security in their time of need.