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Vithusayni Paramanthan headshot

Vithusayni Paramanthan


Protection, Security and Investigation



Graduation Year


Vithusayni's Experience at Humber

Please tell us about your time at Humber College. What was the best part of it?

My Humber experience was nothing short of transformative, undoubtedly one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. It was a journey of growth, both personally and academically. What sets this experience apart from my previous educational endeavors was the perfect blend between theoretical knowledge and practical learning opportunities. Learning from professors who brought real life experiences from their respective fields meant we had added industry immersion – providing more depth and relevance to our learning. Whether that was case studies, using various simulation labs, or even practicing with industry software – we were getting prepped to be able to apply our education to the workplace. The best part is that we got to use these learning methods in public, private, and corporate security fields. My time at Humber College has laid an important foundation for me to thrive in the professional world.

Please tell us about your experience since graduating.

During my last semester in the PSI program, I took it upon myself to find a co-op opportunity at one of the Big 5 Banks in Canada. I joined the Corporate Security department working amongst various teams including Strategy, Risk, and Systems. Leveraging my learning from the PSI program, I was able to secure a full-time position on the Physical Security Systems and Technologies team upon my graduation. I have now been working at the bank for over a year and have been able to expand my knowledge and expertise in this field.

What do you find most satisfying about your career choice?

Growing up with immigrant parents, I know how intimidating the topic of finances can be. It is an essential tool that empowers immigrants to achieve stability in their adopted countries. Clients like my parents trust the bank to help reach their financial goals, never thinking twice about the safety of their assets. I take pride in knowing that my role has a direct impact on safeguarding not only their assets but their trust. As a Consultant, I help lead the design, development, and implementation of Security Systems for the bank, worldwide.