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Vlad Neata headshot

Vlad Neata


Protection, Security and Investigation



Graduation Year


Vlad's Experience at Humber

Please tell us about your time at Humber College. What was the best part of it?

My time at Humber College was marked by the quality of professors and curriculum taught. I was fortunate to attend the Lakeshore Campus, which is surrounded by beautiful trails and offers access to Lake Ontario. Most professors had real-world experience in the courses they were teaching and often used examples from their experiences, lending credibility to the lessons taught. Having professors who accommodated students with work and family commitments was a massive help to me, as I was funding my own education and would travel via transit 2 hours one way daily. This made me feel like the professors were genuinely empathetic and willing to work with me in pursuit of my academic success.

Please tell us about your experience since graduating.

Since graduating in 2015, I’ve worked in multiple areas of the private security industry. From residential and commercial buildings to the biggest night clubs and festivals in Canada. The application of course materials assisted me in multiple areas of my work including investigations, report writing, conflict resolution and risk management. In 2019 I decided to pursue a public safety position as a special constable, but that was derailed due to the 2020 pandemic. This challenge prompted me to seek new work in Sales as it offered the opportunity for travel and lucrative income. However, passion and genuine interest brought me back into the physical security industry, specifically executive protection.

What do you find most satisfying about your career choice?

I really enjoy the spontaneity of the work. Working for multiple security providers across North America allows me the freedom to pick and choose contracts that suit me. This could include international travel, which satisfies my need to explore and work with new cultures in new environments. It is greatly rewarding to assist in elevating a client’s concern by mitigating their risk. Executive Protection hinges on grasping both your client’s needs and the surrounding environment. While it is often portrayed as a high-octane profession filled with car chases, firearms use, and hand-to-hand combat, this perception is largely inaccurate. With effective planning and communication, most of these scenarios can be prevented. Nevertheless, it is crucial to remain operationally prepared in the event of a threat to the client’s safety.