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Person holding graduation cap

Yevhen Vorotylko


Police Foundations



Graduation Year

Yevhen's Experience at Humber

Please tell us about your time at Humber College. What was the best part of it?

I started my journey with Humber in 2018 in the Business Administration program, however as most young adults coming straight from high school I was not certain if that was a career path that I wanted to truly pursue. After a couple years, I finally decided to pursue my dreams of policing that have always been in the back of my mind and I made my transfer to the Police Foundations program. Administration at Humber College has been very helpful and guided me through this transition smoothly,which I was very glad to have done.

My favorite thing about Humber in both programs has definitely been the people I've met and the friends I made along the way. I was constantly surrounded by like minded individuals who motivated me to try harder and push for new horizons. The faculty were professionals from the field who truly made the lectures feel immersive and interesting, and would always stick around after class willing to share their knowledge and prepare us for life after college. Perhaps the best thing was my time with the Toronto Police Rover Crew, which is a volunteer organization partnership between Toronto Police, Humber College, and Scouts Canada. While with the Rover crew I had invaluable opportunities to volunteer in our communities and see first hand what policing truly is - providing crucial service to those who need it. These experiences have reassured me and pushed me more towards wanting to become a police officer and offer my skills and time to helping others.

Please tell us about your experience since graduating.

After graduating from Humber, I was very fortunate to start my employment with the Toronto Police Service as a Special Constable. I received invaluable training as a District Special Constable, Booking officer, and a court officer and was privileged to have worked in all three roles. I completed my District and Booking training at 14 Division, which is one of Toronto's most diverse areas and offered numerous challenges and life lessons that will only make me a better officer. For my Court Officer position, I was deployed to Superior Court, which gave me a deeper insight at the justice system, and how our courts operate at the highest level. And finally, I was deployed to 52 Division as a Booking officer as my permanent position. Eventually, I plan on moving onto my dream of becoming a police constable, however I am truly thankful and believe my current knowledge and experience gained as a special constable will be invaluable and only make me a better asset to our community.

What do you find most satisfying about your career choice?

There are a lot of rewarding things that policing offers as a career choice, however to me the feeling of making a difference and being a part of something bigger than oneself, is truly the most rewarding. Even the little things, like helping someone with directions who is not from here to bigger things like working with people in emotional distress, I feel like I am being helpful and making our community better bit by bit. And of course nothing beats the friends who become like family to you on this job, friends who you know will have your back in the best and worst of times. This partnership is truly special.