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Creation of the GARDENS Virtual Learning Library

Tags: November 2021, Vol. 2, Issue 1

Three Work Study students, Maggie Pyke, Gabi Hentchske and Cydney Penner, worked alongside Kavelle Maharaj, Event Coordinator and Community Liaison at Humber’s Lakeshore Campus and Principal’s Office, to produce short educational videos on YouTube about gardening, pollinators, food systems, container gardening, mental health, urban agriculture and more. These videos featured interviews with industry professionals, and gave the students an opportunity to explore video ideas, write scripts, record content, film, interview and edit – a full end-to-end production.

You can check out the current videos on YouTube.

"I learned more about how to be a team player in a community project, gardening vegetables, and gained more experience in virtual marketing. I also had the opportunity to hear directly from professionals on food issues when interviewing them for the project’s virtual Learning Library."

- Ana Gabriela Buttelli Hentschke, 2021 GARDENS Operations Coordinator, Bachelor’s student, International Development

"Working so closely with the team was one of the defining aspects of my time. They were so welcoming and committed to creating the best content possible, which was infectious and encouraged me to think bigger to match their enthusiasm. This experience really encapsulated the standard of work that can be done with a strong, committed team."

- Cydney Penner, 2021 GARDENS Video Content Creator – Virtual Learning Library, Alumni, Postgraduate Certificate program Film and Multimedia Platform Storytelling

THE GARDENS - Growing Better Communities in South Etobicoke

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