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Humber Indigenous Transmedia Fellowship Explores What it Means to be ‘Native Enough’

Tags: Vol. 1, Issue 3, March 2021

On February 19th, the Principal’s Office partnered with Humber Galleries and Humber Indigenous Education and Engagement to host the event "Identity and Advocacy – Exploring the 2020 Indigenous Transmedia Fellowship (ITF)". The event highlighted the student film Native Enough, created as part of the fellowship from 2020 by various Faculty of Creative and Media Arts Indigenous students.  

The short film explored the topic of identity within Indigenous communities. It is an art-house short film that describes the negative effects experienced as a result of stereotypes and misrepresentations that shape Indigenous identities in Canada today. Native Enough was created to showcase the shared experienced common to many Indigenous youth who feel that their worth is graded on their blood quantum outlined in the Indian Act or by how accessible their culture has been for them. The experience was shared by all the Fellows and it has challenged and shaped their Indigenous identity, many of whom have felt they were not native enough to fit into the external social constructs placed upon them. Native Enough is a celebration of acceptance and community created through shared experience. 

In the 3 months leading up to the event, a Digital Communications and Virtual Event planning internship was offered through the Principal’s Office to support the planning of launch event with the support of Canada Summer Jobs funding. Mykelti Knott, an Advertising and Graphic Design student and one of the fellows who worked on the ITF film was the driving force behind envisioning the event and pulling all the pieces together. Mykelti has taken some time to reflect on her internship and what she has learned over the course with the team.  

“My experience in the role of Digital Communications/Event Planner for the launch of Native Enough, a film created by the 2020 Indigenous Transmedia Fellows, was enriching and worthwhile. The resources that were provided throughout the process, allowed me to be successful and learn an entirely new skillset surrounding event planning. Although fast-paced, I was able to plan an event that allowed the 2020 Fellows to speak about their experience with Indigenous identity. The event was successful and well received. I am thankful to have had the experience of working with a great team at Humber.” – Mykelti Knott 

As part of the event, the fellows were part of a panel discussing the narrative and how Indigenous folks continue to reclaim their identities today, how they challenge stereotypes many Canadians still hold and how they voice their stories. The event was recorded for future educational purposes. To access the recording, please email

Identity and Advocacy - Indigenous Transmedia Fellowship

Mykelti Knott

Mykelti Knott

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