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Interpretive Centre Campus Tunnel Tours

Tags: November 2022, Vol. 3, Issue 1

As we welcomed our learners back to campus this September, many of them (students, staff, and faculty alike!) joined the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre on tour. In the first month of the semester, we hosted over 430 people on campus history tours! Through partnerships with First Year Experience (FYE), the International Centre, IGNITE, and several of our own FSCS programs (Shoutout to all five of the Police Foundations Programs) the engagement and eagerness to learn was widespread across all tours. We also engaged with programs from Faculty of Media and Creative Arts (FMCAD) and Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences (FLAS), including a few visiting from North campus, with whom we were all too pleased to share the diverse histories and unique landscapes of the Lake. Many of these tours participated in a hands-on workshop, reading through primary source records from the Hospital to build understanding of the human experience of the site through an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) lens.

Perhaps an eagerness to be back in-person, coupled with the iconic red brick buildings and their heritage brought out the best in our students! Participants brought insightful and EDI focused reflections, engagement, and curriculum connections - proving once again the strength of Humber’s students - and the value they will bring to their future careers!

Despite a few rainy days, the Interpretive Centre and classes activated the third part of our mission - to research, preserve, and share the histories of the campus with great impact. Tours and class activities were led by the Interpretive Centre’s Curator Nadine Finlay and were also joined by instructors of the respective courses - some of whom heard the tour multiple times and might be able to team up with the Interpretive Centre in the delivery next year!

We look forward to hosting more of these programs throughout October for Humber’s Mental Health Month, as well as throughout the year to both the public and academic communities!

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