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Interpretive Centre Updates

Tags: Vol. 1, Issue 2, December 2020

Pre-COVID-19, the Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre proudly offered tours in “all weathers,” and took that to heart. In rain, in snow, in heat, and bitter cold – the Interpretive Centre was there to share the history of the Lakeshore Grounds with clipboards in hand.

With several weeks of adjustment after the first lockdown, their tours quickly adapted to the new environment, giving rise to #TidbitTours on their Instagram and Facebook Stories. Since July 2020, Assistant Curator Nadine Finlay, and longtime Volunteer and Tour Guide Alex Sein, continue to explore the themes around the natural and built history of the Lakeshore Grounds through all weathers at Humber Lakeshore Campus – in 15 seconds or less!

Starting with FAQs about the usual tours, #TidbitTours has grown to include new research, fun facts, and new interdepartmental collaborations that will bring us into Summer 2021! So, if you’ve been missing campus (like many of us have), or if you’ve not yet been on site, the Interpretive Centre team love for you to (virtually) join them on tour! Watch #TidbitTours every Thursday by following @Lakeshoregrnds, and watch past months on our YouTube channel! Visit lakeshoregrounds.ca to learn more about the fascinating history of the space we share!

Behind the scenes shots of Nadine Finlay and Alex Sien filming #TidBitTours on our Lakeshore Campus and surrounding community

Behind the scenes shots of Nadine Finlay and Alex Sien filming #TidBitTours on our Lakeshore Campus and surrounding community.

Behind the scenes shots of Nadine Finlay and Alex Sien filming #TidBitTours on our Lakeshore Campus and surrounding community

Nadine, and Alex filming the final #TidBitTour with Quazance

Nadine and Alex filming a #TidBitTour video with Quazance from Humber’s Indigenous Education & Engagement.

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