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Bachelor of Behavioural Science Student Elected to Board of Directors of ONTABA (Ontario Association for Behaviour Analysis)

Tags: January 2025, Vol. 5, Issue 1

Congratulations to first-year Bachelor of Behavioural Science (BBS) student Stephanie Maiorino who was elected as an undergraduate student representative to the Board of Directors of Ontario Association of Behaviour Analysis for 2024/2025. In this position, Stephanie will contribute the students’ point of view and pose general questions to the Board in her role as a future practitioner in the field of applied behaviour analysis. Stephanie will also prepare brief reports on what ONTABA is working on during her tenure on the Board and these reports will be distributed to all our BBS students.

Stephanie is following in the footsteps of BBS student Solanch Speranza Baro who was an undergraduate student representative in 2022/2023 and now chairs the ONTABA committee on organizational development.

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