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Child and Youth Care Gallery Walk

Tags: Vol. 4, June 2024, Issue 2

On April 19th, 2024, the Child and Youth Care (CYC) program hosted a gallery walk featuring artwork by students in the Core Competencies in Child and Youth Care course. Featuring pieces spanning various mediums, students were tasked with the assignment to integrate their understanding of cultural and human diversity within CYC practice through an open-ended, self-chosen, creative platform. From visual art and digital media, to spoken word poetry performances, students showcased their unique perspectives, inviting fellow students and guests to explore and engage with their creations. Beside are a few of the pieces that were presented.

Below are two poems that were presented.

We all come from different areas
We all come from different walks of life
We all can come together to stand up for what’s right
We all are different ages and all have different skin tones
We celebrate different traditions and rituals
But we have to use our voices to the pinnacle

It is common to feel fear
It is common to be afraid
But have no fear
Because we all are here for each other every day
No matter our culture
No matter our religion
We are here to support one another

Life can seem hard
Life can seem easy
Some have it all
And some don’t have anything at all
We as CYCP’s are here to help all
And fight for those in need

It may get hard
The path is never easy
But with our voices
With our might
We can fight against the corrupt
And fight for what’s right

Poem by Karamveer Giddha.

In the world of Child and Youth Care, where values and ethics lead,
We navigate through challenges and seek opportunities to gain.

In this field, we embrace where young hearts and minds,
Inclusive practices are essential in every single case.

We face the trials of bias, stereotypes, and doubt,
But with empathy and understanding, we will find our paths.
For every challenge is a chance to grow and learn.
To break down barriers and let compassion show.

In the varied world in which children, youth and families live and engage,
We find beauty and diversity in every single life.
We find the true soul of humanity in the richness of its culture, the depth of its identity,
and the struggles it faces currently and in its past.

CYCs stand on the front lines with values and ethics as our guide,
Compassion, respect, and dignity in every step forward.
The young souls we serve and aid deserve nothing less than our best,
the most we can give them.
A safe and nurturing environment, where they can rest and recover if they please.

So let us fight for inclusivity, support, love and more in every word,
in every step we take in this world.

Embracing diversity, as we plant the seeds of hope and power,
holding them high in their lowest moments.
For in the hearts of CYCs lies the power to create, to love and help those to grow.
A world of acceptance. A world of care where every soul feels welcome and cared for.

Let’s navigate the challenges together with courage and grace,
Face the difficulties together as one; we’ll each find our place in the world of CYCs.
And as we journey onward, let our values and ethics guide the way,
In the selfless pursuit of justice, understanding and support,
let’s stand firm and stand together.

CYC Values and Ethics
Poem by Phoebe Rego

Painting about justice and identity

Artwork by Jelina France.

Drawing that says Together we rise: Justice is for everyone

Artwork by Jaleesha Haley.

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