Tags: March 2022, Vol. 2, Issue 3
The Bachelors Program in Child and Youth Care (B-CYC) offered an innovative course in Disability and Child and Youth Care for the first time in Fall 2021. Disability Justice is a social justice movement that centers disability as an overarching framework for healing and helping in the humanities. As CYC evolves into a trauma centered, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) based, evidencedinformed approach, the faculty in the CYC program felt that it was time to introduce a framework to disability to 3rd year students in the B-CYC program that would challenge the identity of the professional, the tightly woven ideas of care, help, and disability, as they apply to the identity of the young person and practitioner.
Students were asked to create a visual that reflects their understanding of Disability Justice, and add points that other CYC practitioners could use to understand and incorporate it in their own personal and professional journeys. The course encourages students to use critical thinking skills to understand, deconstruct and recreate proven service delivery techniques to reflect a Disability Justice framework.
Learn more about Disability Justice on Holly Hudson’s website and Mary Ivans’ website.
BCYC student Brianna Barahona submitted these infographics as part of the course. It explains the principles of Disability Justice, Models of Disability and the Disability Justice Framework.