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Julie Young Appointed as Public Director of Women’s Shelters Canada Board

Tags: November 2021, Vol. 2, Issue 1

Dr. Julie Young, faculty member in the Criminal Justice program in FSCS, has been appointed to the Board of Women’s Shelters Canada (WSC), whose mission is to work as a unified voice for systemic change to end violence against women, while providing leadership for collaboration and knowledge exchange among shelters and transition houses across the country.

The Board is currently comprised of eight Directors - five of whom are from WSC’s Advisory Council and three Public Directors. Dr. Young will serve as a Public Director. The Board’s role is to ensure that Women’s Shelters Canada is meeting its legal and fiduciary obligations, ensuring its sustainability, and setting WSC’s strategic plan.

Dr. Young is a social justice thought leader with a passion for diversity and inclusion, social enterprise and community building. She is a member of the National Advisory Council on Gender-Based Violence (Federal Ministry of Women and Gender Equality - WAGE) and a Gender Based Violence Expert on the National Research Program conducted by the Centre for Research and Education for Violence Against Women. She is also the 2020 recipient of the Excellence in Brescia University College’s Teaching Award. Her current research program addresses women’s empowerment, the financial and social inclusion of those experiencing poverty, and gender bias within the family court. She is the past Chair of the London Race Relations Advisory Council, the Royal Bank Equity and Diversity Council and Londoners for Opportunity. She is known by her students as a professor with an interactive classroom that bridges the distance between the academy and the real world. She is most passionate about launching the next generation of do-gooders and game-changers.

Image of Julie Young

Julie Young

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