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Cyber Crime Specialist

Certificate of Completion | CB911

Program Overview

In this certificate, you will learn about cyber crime - the latest evolution in criminal activity, as our world becomes increasingly digital. Various groups of hackers, criminals, organized crime and malicious insiders are utilizing new technologies to perpetrate criminal activity. The reliance on new technologies that make up our digital lives is also making the technology itself a target for criminals.


The Cyber Crime Specialist Certificate program is offered online to allow students the flexibility to complete their studies at times convenient to them.

The program introduces you to the new cyber landscape to understand how it can be used to facilitate criminal activity, and how the cyber landscape itself can be targeted for attack. You will explore what cyber security is, the concepts required to ensure information is protected, the types of attacks and techniques used by criminals to compromise information systems, and the tools and techniques used to prevent the various attacks.

This program will be of interest to seasoned professionals working in a wide variety of fields who wish to gain knowledge in this fast-paced and ever-growing industry. Students entering the workforce or looking to differentiate themselves from the pack will also greatly benefit from the topics covered. Knowledge of cyber crime issues is applicable in various fields including law enforcement, business and technology and is a valuable personal asset, protecting yourself and your family from criminal attacks.

Throughout the program you will complete a number of interactive assignments and case studies that can act as a portfolio, demonstrating your skills and knowledge in this field. Whether you are a tech-savvy professional or still struggle to connect to Wi-Fi, this program will bring you up to speed on the cutting edge concepts in cyber crime.


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Course Name 2024/2025 Academic Year 2025/2026 Academic Year
Compulsory May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
CYBE 001: Understanding Cyber Landscape
CYBE 002: The Fundamentals of Cyber Security
CYBE 003: Cyber Attacks
CYBE 004: Cyber Defense

Compulsory Courses

CYBE 001 Understanding Cyber Landscape
Information systems that are comprised of people, processes and technologies facilitate all aspects of modern life including banking, electronic commerce, and modern communication. Students will learn about the components of these complex information systems made up of mobile devices, computers, routers and servers. How wired and wireless networks transmit digital information in the form of datagrams and packets through ports and communication protocols. How networks of networks combine to deliver the internet, the World Wide Web, email, chat, ecommerce, social media and various other services that combine to form the cyber landscape.


CYBE 002 The Fundamentals of Cyber Security
The value of information in information systems and the dependence on their ongoing operation make them ideal targets for attackers and criminals. Cyber (Information) security is the all-encompassing processes and methods used to protect information systems. Students will learn what is required to ensure the security of information systems. How confidentiality, integrity and availability comprise the security triad. How Information systems are under threat and exploitation of vulnerabilities. How countermeasures are deployed to protect information systems. How authentication, authorization and non-repudiation impact information systems. How information system owners perform risk management by examining impact, likelihood and risk response to various threats.


CYBE 003 Cyber Attacks
Criminals use various cyber-attack techniques in order to steal information, commit fraud and cause physical or reputational damage to individuals, corporations and governments. Students will learn the various types of threat agents; cyber criminals, script kiddies, hacktivists, spies and malicious insiders. The types of malicious software; ransomware, spyware, adware, viruses, key loggers, Trojans and worms these criminals use in their attacks. How botnets of compromised zombie computers can be used for spam campaigns and distributed denial of service attacks. How social engineering, phishing and Man in the Middle Attacks can be used to compromise computers and networks. How Advanced Persistent Threats can covertly infiltrate and attack specific targets. How these virtual attacks can cause real world physical damage. How stolen data can lead to identity theft, account takeover, fraud, financial market manipulation and be used for money laundering and terrorist financing.


CYBE 004 Cyber Defense
To defend against these attacks there are a combination of strategies and technologies used to mitigate the risks against information systems. Students will learn how passwords, biometrics and authentication systems are used to control access to systems. How cryptographic techniques including encryption, hashing, digital signatures and digital certificates protect information. How technology and software defenses; Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks, Antivirus software, Intrusion Detection systems and Honey pots work to protect systems. How criminals can be identified, detected and prosecuted using computer audit logs, digital forensics and the collection and preservation of digital evidence.


Cyber Security Program Video

Cartoon blue fingerprint

Much of our identity is available online: our photographs, our education and workplace, and in some cases, what we ate for lunch! Even more, we use the Internet to transfer sensitive information such as our address, banking, payments, taxes. All these practices give us more of a reason to protect against exploitation and vulnerabilities online. This course on cyber security will examine what is required to ensure the security of information systems, and how countermeasures can be deployed to protect us.

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Humber Continuous Professional Learning Social & Community Services
416.675.6622 ext. 4554

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