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Municipal Bylaw

Certificate of Accomplishment | MBD1

Program Overview

The Municipal Bylaw certificate offers a course of study that is designed to meet and supplement the training needs of the municipal bylaw enforcement officer.


The program provides foundational information for those interested in pursuing the career of a municipal bylaw enforcement officer. Courses will provide the student with instruction in all areas of bylaw enforcement including common bylaws, property standards, the planning act, trials and committee presentations, and various municipal statutes such as zoning, animal control bylaws and licensing.


Student Success Stories

I have been working towards a career in municipal bylaw for many years. It is a very competitive industry, and my education was minimal when I chose to pursue a career in bylaw enforcement. I knew I needed a better education. I looked at many programs before I found the Municipal Bylaw program at Humber College. 

The classes at Humber were challenging and I was always excited to be learning something new. It took me a couple of years to complete the program due to various life responsibilities but the benefit of continuing education was that I knew the courses would still be there when I was able to return.

Overall, my experience at Humber was a good one, the online access to pick courses and check my progress was great. If I ever had to reach out to Humber for any reason, the response times were always good, and I was never left having to chase anyone for information or to follow up. I am very proud of my Humber Certificate. It hangs proudly on my wall and I truly feel a sense of accomplishment when I look at it. 

Since completing my Municipal Bylaw studies at Humber I have joined Metrolinx. I am currently a transit fare inspector with GO Transit.     

Michael Mullett, Municipal Bylaw Graduate

I am currently the Administrative Assistant to the Head of Orthopaedics at Mt. Sinai Hospital. I graduated from York University in 1995 with a Political Science Degree. As a mom of an 18 year old daughter who is now attending York University herself, I decided I needed a career change.  In talking to a near and dear friend, he suggested that I consider bylaw enforcement, as he thought it would suit my personality very well.  After looking into it, I registered for the Municipal Bylaw program at Humber College. In beginning this journey and being out of school for nearly 20 years, I was excited to find that my experience was phenomenal. My instructors Steven Duggan, Harvey Gorewicz and mentor Melinda Fartsalas each played an important part in my career-changing goal. It was especially Melinda’s motivation and positivity that gave me the confidence and determination in completing the program. I will continue towards my goal of becoming bylaw enforcement officer by completing the MLEO and OAPSO courses in the spring of 2017. I am especially excited and proud to join my class in graduating from the Municipal Bylaw program with Honours.

Joanne Ascenzi, Municipal Bylaw Graduate

I began my pursuit of a career in bylaw enforcement years ago, as a Long Grass / Weeds Inspector with a municipality. The only qualification required for the position was post-secondary education in law enforcement, whether completed or currently enrolled. As it was a summer position, many of the duties in that position were simplified versions of documents and tasks required in property standards. I did not have much experience or knowledge on handling provincial offences procedures, as Police Foundations only slightly covered the topic. Luckily, the bylaw officers in the department advised me to enrol in the Municial Bylaw certificate program at Humber College if I was serious about pursuing a career in this field. I enrolled into the program as quickly as I could.

While I was enrolled, a part time position opened for a parking enforcement officer at the municipality I was working for. I not only qualified for, but was also able to acquire the position, because I was already enrolled in the Municipal Bylaw program. The new position required more knowledge of the field, and it took no time at all for me to become familiar with the proceedings.

Effective for the Fall 2024 semester onwards, MLAW 101 has replaced LASP 101 in the Municipal Bylaw Certificate of Accomplishment.  MLAW 101 and LASP 101 are equivalent for the purposes of certificate completion requirements.  Students who have previously completed LASP 101 in the last 5 years (2019-2024) are not required to complete MLAW 101.


Quick-Look Availability Scheduler

Use the Quick-Look Availability Scheduler to see available courses in a calendar view and plan towards achieving your certificate.

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Course Name 2025/2026 Academic Year 2026/2027 Academic Year
Four (4) courses required from the following (select either LASP 101 or MLAW 101) Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
LASP 102: Bylaw Enforcement
LASP 103: Trials and Committee Presentation
LASP 104: Property Standards and Zoning
MLAW 101: Municipal Bylaws

Four (4) courses required from the following (select either LASP 101 or MLAW 101)

LASP 102 Bylaw Enforcement
  Start Date: May 2025  
This course will provide you with an understanding of municipal bylaw enforcement. Topics will include typical bylaws and the effective enforcement of municipal legislation.


LASP 103 Trials and Committee Presentation
  Start Date: May 2025  
There are many demands placed on the municipal law enforcement officer some of which require them to speak or give evidence in public hearings, council meetings and court trials. It is, therefore, a requirement of each officer to know how to prepare for and present information before these groups.


LASP 104 Property Standards and Zoning
  Start Date: May 2025  
This course is designed to supplement the training requirements of a municipal law enforcement officer, providing continuing education to those already in bylaw enforcement as well as those wishing to seek employment in the field. Students will develop an understanding of building and property standards, typical bylaws and effective enforcement of other applicable acts.


MLAW 101 Municipal Bylaws
  Start Date: May 2025  

This course will involve a detailed analysis of municipal bylaws as they relate to a wide variety of topics including noise control, waste management, animal control, vending etc. You will interpret legislation and discuss associated issues and evidence. 

Program Overview
The Municipal Bylaw certificate offers a course of study that is designed to meet and supplement the training requirements of a municipal bylaw enforcement officer. The certificate can be achieved by successfully completing four courses: 

Bylaw Enforcement 
Municipal Bylaw Enforcement 
Trials and Committee Presentation 
Property Standards and Zoning 

What you will learn

The program provides foundational information for those interested in pursuing a career in municipal bylaw enforcement. Courses will provide instruction in all areas of bylaw enforcement including: 

Overview of common bylaws such as parking regulations, animal control, business licensing, noise, property standards and zoning 
Powers of entry and investigation 
Note-taking and report writing 
Provincial Offences Act proceedings 
Administrative Penalties 


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Humber Continuous Professional Learning Social & Community Services
416.675.6622 ext. 4554

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