Julius Adonis Mateo, Rima Kasbar, Hawa Mohamed, Rutendo Ruimbe
Social Service Worker
Research shows that Seniors with Dementia face a higher risk of social isolation and depression.
As a result of COVID-19 restrictions, seniors may be at risk for little to no support because precautionary steps were enforced to minimize visitation rights. Health practitioners are recommending that seniors isolate to minimize their risk of contracting COVID-19. Due to this new reality, the project team found it beneficial and relevant to create delivery methods for new activities, adapting to new precautions and restrictions in the face of the pandemic. These activities will ensure the safety of all seniors and ensure that they continuously receive much-needed therapeutic activities. Moreover, the activities will reduce the impact of isolation during COVID-19 to fight and manage the effects of Dementia.
"People with dementia have raised great families, managed successful companies and have done so much more. What can we do to preserve the roles they have always undertaken in their lives? What role can our seniors living with dementia play to make a difference to the community in-light of COVID-19?"
Grounded: A Mental Health Podcast for Secondary School Students
Nancy Bizzarro, Meaghan Hale, Mallory Young, Marieanna Kucza-czarnota (Anya), Victoria Kodytuakku
Addictions and Mental Health
Mind Map Journaling: A Guide for Child and Youth Practitioners and Clinicians
Elthea Estrada
Child and Youth Care
Strategies for Mental Wellness (Child Focus) – Mindfulness & Anxiety Tools and Resources
Thania Quevado
Child and Youth Care