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Appendix B: Exam Cover Page


Please read the following instructions very carefully before beginning the test/test/exam/test/exam:

  1. Unless otherwise specified, no paper, notes, books, calculators, are permitted during the test/test/exam/test/exam.
  2. Prior to writing the test/test/exam, please ensure all personal belongings including (but not limited to) notes, books, coats, hats, electronic devices including cell phones/iPods (turned off), watches, pencil cases, Kleenex boxes, etc. are placed at the front of class (or an alternate location as specified by the instructor).
  • Note: Humber College cannot take responsibility for the safety of your items; students are advised not to bring valuable belongings to the test/examination.
  • Talking will not be permitted in the test/examination room once the test/exam has begun. If you have a question regarding the test/exam, please raise your hand and the instructor or invigilator will be happy to assist you.
  • Academic Misconduct

    Academic misconduct is a serious offence, as is assisting another student to commit academic misconduct. Suspected cases of academic misconduct will be reviewed according to the guidelines set forth in Humber’s Academic Regulations. In order to ensure academic integrity during the test/exam you may be asked to:

    a) provide photo identification to confirm identify.

    b) move to another location in the test/exam room

    c) provide any unauthorized notes, or electronic devices to invigilator

    d) remain after the end of the test/exam to meet with your Professor.

    If test/exam invigilators/Professors suspect academic misconduct they will complete a Potential Academic Misconduct Form, append any confiscated material to the form, and provide the information to the appropriate Associate Dean, who will review the confiscated materials and will discuss concerns with student prior to making a decision.

    I hereby certify that I have read, understand, and am incompliance with the above instructions.


    Signature of Student