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Student Services

Student Services are summarized here

Test Centre‐life/testing‐services/

The Humber Test Centre offers the following services: Make-up or missed tests

  • Accommodated Testing
  • External Institution Testing
  • Admission Testing
  • Placement Testing

The front office support staff will drop off your test and pick it up once the student has completed it, provided you submit your request to 48 hours in advance. Kindly note that entire classes cannot be sent to the test center to complete a bonus test, quiz, etc.

Writing Centre

Career Centre

Aboriginal Resource Centre

LGBTQ Resource Centre

Office of the Registrar

International Centre

Humber provides specialized services for international students. The International Centre assists students with questions regarding study and work permits, transition, housing, health, insurance, and employment. Students should connect with the Lakeshore International Student Advisor located in H100A.

Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre

The Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre (SWAC) supports student wellness and accessibility in order to promote academic success at Humber College. The provision of health, counselling, and accessible learning services in one centre enables seamless, holistic support for students where/if necessary. 

The FSCS Accessibility Consultant is Joanne Settle: x4774

To explore Humber’s accessibility resources, please visit:

Counselling Services

Counselling Services for Humber students is located on the second floor of the Welcome Centre, Lakeshore Campus. 416‐675‐6622 x3331

When a student is in distress or starting to demonstrate mental health challenges it is important for the student to connect with Humber’s Counselling Services. Students can call or walk-in and book an appointment to see a counsellor.

There are same-day appointments available each day. Humber also has a mental health nurse on campus who can see the student if they are in crisis and a counsellor is not available.

In the moments where a student has presented as an imminent risk of harm to self or others, call x4000 to assist in de-escalation.