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During the Semester

Podium Usage

All classrooms contain various types of multimedia equipment controlled from a podium at the front of the room. Most podiums consist of a keyboard tray, a mouse, flat screen and a touch screen panel that controls all of the room’s equipment. All podiums require a password or code which is “1967” with the exception of The Annex building in which the code is “2011”. Any questions or support can be accessed by pressing the help icon located on the touch screen panel; a technician can be dispatched immediately by pressing “2” on the in-class phone or by calling x8888.

If you notice recurring technical issues with classroom equipment (e.g. projector, etc.) please notify the FSCS Associate Director, Operations.

Guest Speakers and Field Trips

Lessons, assignments, and concepts can be greatly enhanced by inviting industry or guest speakers to visit classes as a way of supporting teaching and learning. Before inviting a guest speaker, faculty must seek approval from their Associate Dean one month prior to the anticipated speaking engagement. Guest speakers are compensated with either a small gift or a gift card, depending on their time commitment. The guest speaker compensation form is available on the faculty website:

Field trips are fantastic ways to support students by learning through direct experience. Before proceeding with arrangements to take students off campus, a written request must be submitted to your Associate Dean a minimum of 10 days prior to the proposed Field Trip. Students are protected under Humber’s insurance coverage only if the following conditions have been met: there has been written approval, a Humber faculty/staff is in attendance, and the Field Trip is related directly to the curriculum.

Class Cancellation

In the event that class needs to be cancelled due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, Faculty should contact their Associate Dean, Program Coordinator, Program Support Officer and Front Desk Support Staff as soon as possible. Please send a note to your students via BlackBoard if possible. The front desk support staff will post a note on your classroom door letting students know the class has been cancelled and to check their email for further details. Faculty should arrange to make up the content of the class at a later date within the semester.

Classes are not to be cancelled for other reasons. If a schedule conflict arises please contact your Associate Dean.

Tests and Assignments

The Ontario Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requires that the College protect personal information by making reasonable security arrangements against such risks as unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, or destruction.

Student tests and assignments fall under the definition of personal information and reasonable security arrangements must be taken when receiving and returning tests and assignments. If assignments cannot be handed in during class time, they can be dropped off in the FSCS Assignment Drop Box located on the first floor of the C Cottage. Student assignments dropped off in the Assignment Drop Box will be date stamped and delivered to the faculty member’s mailbox the following business day. Assignments can be submitted via your BlackBoard course website, which allows for accurate recording of the exact time of submission, and is more environmentally sustainable.


Turnitin is the software used to detect plagiarism in student assignments. Please contact your Program Support Officers for access to your Turnitin account information.

Emergency in the Classroom

Call Public Safety by pushing the alert button on the classroom phone for emergencies only

Non‐urgent calls can be made by calling 416‐675‐6622 x8500.

Lockdown Instructions



  1. Exit the bulding immediately if you are able to do so safely
  2. Notify anyone you encounter to exit the building immediately
  3. Call 911. Provide as much information as possible

If you are unable to exit the building safely, immediately go to the nearest area where you feel safe. Follow the lockdown instructions below.


  1. Listen for instructions via the public address system
  2. Where possible, gather others from open areas
  3. Close and lock the door
  4. Cover windows if possible
  5. Place signs in exterior windows to identify the location of injured persons
  6. Lie on the floor or crouch behind desks. BE QUIET
  7. Silence cell phones or devices that generate noise
  8. DO NOT answer the door
  9. Call 911 if you have specific information about the threat
  10. Do not evacuate until contacted by the Toronto Police Service or the Department of Public Safety

Inclement Weather – College Closure

In cases of inclement weather, the College will post a notice on the main College website,